Headings in HTML

How to create Headings

  • There are 6 tags available in HTML to create the heading.
Element Output
<h1>Level-1 Heading</h1>

Level-1 Heading

<h2>Level-2 Heading</h2>

Level-2 Heading

<h3>Level-3 Heading</h3>

Level-3 Heading

<h4>Level-4 Heading</h4>

Level-4 Heading

<h5>Level-5 Heading</h5>
Level-5 Heading
<h6>Level-6 Heading</h6>
Level-6 Heading

Attributes of Heading

  • align attribute can be used with all heading to align heading text left/ right/ center / justify.
  1. align = "left"
  2. align = "right"
  3. align = "center"
  4. align = "justify"

Understanding Heading MAP

  1. Heading are parsed by browser in a heading map.
  2. Heading map is similar to the index shown at the beginning of any book.
  3. Heading map plays an important role in SEO so always be careful while creating the heading map.
  4. To Check that heading map of your HTML page, there is a various tool available. For example Html5 outliner in google chrome. 
  5. Heading map can be understood by the following figure easily.
    Heading Map

Importance of heading in SEO

  1. SEO means Search engine optimization.
  2. SEO includes some practices and rules to optimize your website for search engine and achieve the top ranking.
  3. Popular Search engine like (Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.) uses heading for index the structure and content of your page.

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