
Showing posts with the label data types in c language

Data types in C language

What is data type As you have seen in the previous article, a variable is declared as given below... int a; //variable declaration In the above program code snippet, int is called a data type and a is a variable of that data type. Data type describe the content a variable can store. Data type also explains how data will be stored (the organization) in memory. Data types can be classified into two broad categories... Primitive (Basic) data type Composite (Secondary) data types / User-defined data types In this article we will only discuss primitive data types, User-defined data types will be discussed later. Primitive data types Data types which are defined by the system/programming language are called primitive data type. These data type defines a single entity, which can't be divided further. List of primitive data types along with their memory occupied and the allowed range are described as below... Integral data types Real data types Character da...

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