
Showing posts with the label assembly language

Types of programming languages

Computer programming language can be classfied into two broad categories as follows: Machine oriented Langauge Binary Language/Machine Language Assembly Language Problem Oriented Language Machine Oriented Language In the machine oriented langauage the programm is written in the form in which machine can understand.Machine language are also known as low level language. These language provides the better machine efficiency and fast execution of the program. Machine oriented language again classified into two categories as follows: Binary Language/Machine Language As the name suggests in the binary language only two entity 0/1 (zero/one) are allowed. Where 0 and 1 can be understood in many ways by the computer. As a computer is a digital machine consists of billions of transistors which can be thought like an electronic switch and have two states on/off. The 0 represent the off or false whereas 1 represent the on/true. Assembly Language Becau...

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