
Showing posts with the label Steps of learning C language

Operators in C Language

Observe the given expression y = x + 5. In the above given expression +, = are the operators and x, y, 5 are called operands / argument. Types of operator According to the required argument the operator can be classified into 3 categories: unary operator: require only one argument. example(-5) binary operator: require two argument. example(5+8) ternary operator: require 3 argument. example(?:) According to the purpose operator are again classified into 8 types: Arithmetic operator Unary operator Assignment operator Relational operator Logical operator Bitwise operator Conditional operator(ternary operator) Comma operator Arithmetic operator +,-,*,/,%(mod) are called the arithmetic operator. The +,-,* are same as you learn in mathematical Arithmetic. To more understand take an example. 5 + 3 * 4 In the above given expression, which operator should be evaluates first? As in mathematics you learn the rule of BODMAS,which tells first brackets should be ev...

Variable in C programming

What is variable? Variable is an entity which can change during the program execution. OR Variable is the name of the memory place, where data is stored. OR Variable is just like a cup of tea . How to create a variable int x; float y; char z; General Syntax datatype variable_name; As shown in the above snippet, To create a variable two things are needed... Data type Variable name Rules for creating variable name Variable name can contains Alphabets(A-Z / a-z), Digits (0-9), and Underscore (_). Variable name must begins with an Alphabet or Underscore Spaces and Special symbols are not allowed. Keywords / Reserved words are not allowed as a variable name. Variable name should be meaningful. C is a case sensitive programming language, so age, Age, AGE all are different variables. Some valid / invalid variable names are listed below... Variable name Valid / Invalid name valid father_name valid father's name ...

Constant in C Programming

Constant is an entity which never changes in the given problem or program. Types of Constant There are basically two types of constants in C. Scalar/ Primitive/ Primary Composite The Scalar types of constant are those which can't be divided any more and the composite constant are those which can be divided into multiple scalar constants. In this article, we only discuss the Scalar/Primitive constant. The Composite constants are discussed later. 1. Integer Constant A number without any fractional part is called Integer constant. Example: 25, 0, -44, 456 etc Rules of Integer Constant No decimal points are allowed. Example 25 is correct but 25.0 is incorrect. Rules of Integer Constant +ve/-ve both types of values are allowed. Special, Comma and other characters are not allowed. Example 2 3 4 and 12,500 are incorrect. Valid Range: -32768 to 32767 2. Floating point constant or real constant Can contain decimal point +ve/-ve both types of values are allo...

Constant and Variable

y = x + 5, See the expression carefully. It is clear that if we change the value of x the value of y is also changed but the 5 remains the same every time. So, x and y are the variables but 5 is a constant. Previous Back to C Programming index Next

Keywords in C language

Keywords are some words, which meaning is already reserved by the compiler. So these words are also called reserved words. In C, there are 32 keywords as listed below. auto double int struct break else long switch case enum register typedef char extern return unsigned const float short union continue for signed void default goto sizeof volatile do if static while Previous Back to C Programming index Next

Character Set

The allowed set of characters is called the character set. C character set consist of the following character. Alphabets A-Z , a-z Digits 0 - 9 White Spaces Spaces, tabs, newlines etc. Special Symbols +, -, *, /, %, _,; and many more discussed as needed. Previous Back to C Programming index Next

Steps of learning C Programming

Steps of learning English Alphabets => Words => Sentence => Paragraph Steps of learning C language Character Set => Keywords/ Constant/ Variable => Instruction => Program Previous Back to C Programming index Next

Printing in C programming

Printing in C In C for printing purpose, We Use A Function Called printf( ) . A function is a small program used to perform a specific task. The function receives some input known as an argument and produces some output called return value. Functions are always suffixed with parenthesis ( ). Syntax of printf( ) printf("Control String",[List or Variable]); Note: Control string is a sequence of characters which you want to print. ([ ]) square brackets around the list or variable represent that it is optimal. Example Of printf( ) printf("hello"); //Print hello int a=5,b=6; printf("a=%d b=%d",a,b); //print the value of a and b. int a=5,b=6; //Varialbe Declaration printf("%d",a+b); //Print 11. Note: In printf( ) expression can be written .The example is given above. The first program, Say Hello World in C programming /*program to print the "Hello world"*/ #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf(...

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